Episode 51: Steps, Strategies & Stories on Short Term Rentals & Real Estate Investment with Dr. Zelda Okia
Jun 2, 2022

I mean, I just went and went through a realtor, so I didn’t do any kind of background anything. I was like, I just want to buy something. So I found something and I bought it and. It went pretty good…

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Hi, I'm Dr. Melva you're board certified radiation oncologist, and serial entrepreneur and investor. Welcome to the 1% code podcast. I help top income earners create multiple strings of income to support the career they love or the one they want to love. Again, learn more on the 1% code podcast. I love it though, has low.

I am Dr. Melva you're board certified radiation oncologist, wife, and mom of three. Serial entrepreneur and investor, and I help other tap income earners create multiple streams of income to diversify their wealth portfolio, to trade those golden handcuffs in for true wealth. With a diversified portfolios, we'd like to welcome Dr.

Zelda oh Kia, Dr. Z, who is a life and weight loss coach who recently transitioned from death into life. Prior to coaching Dr. Z worked as a county medical exam. Forensic pathologists. Very cool. Dr. Z started her Airbnb experience in October, 2020, and she has had steady bookings since that time. Prior to this, Dr.

Z was a landlord since 2005, so very experienced landlord. Alright, well welcome. Welcome. Welcome. I'm so excited that we got this going and I guess the background. You shared your experience on one of the messages in the 1% co collective. And I'm like, oh gosh, you really know this. And I, I think there's so much that you have to offer.

So I'll, I'll let you start tell us a little bit about your journey, who you are. I'd love to hear about your coaching, and then we can get into short term rentals. If that works. Yeah, that sounds awesome. Yeah. So I always said I was going to be a doctor, not really knowing what it was, what was going to be involved, but I always said it so kind of traveled that path and like my final year of residency, I read rich dad, poor dad.

And so I was like, Hmm, I want to get into this entrepreneurial stuff. And then my sister was in Amway and I did that for a little bit too. Yeah. So I got my first job out. I was doing hospital pathology, so I started forensics in 2009. But prior to that, I did hospital pathology. Making really good money. So I'm like, I ain't gonna get into this whole real estate investing now that I have the money to do it.

And it was interesting because when I bought my first house in 2008, I had the opportunity. I was looking at the paper back when you could look in the paper and there was this couple that I contacted and they were selling a duplex in a great neighborhood, but I was so afraid to actually live right next to my tenants.

So I passed on that one and I bought my first single family home. But then the property like doubled in value by 2005. So I was like, okay, now I'm definitely going to get into this thing. You buy it. It doubled in what year? What year had you purchased it? No, when I was considering purchase in 2000 and then in 2005, it had doubled because that's when the real estate boom.

But that's when, of course, when I started buying the other properties in great neighborhoods and my father was like, you know, just start with a single family. And I was like, no, no, no. I wanted to build my empire, you know? And I wanted, I didn't have it like yesterday. So for the four family. Oh, you started with the 14 was your first investment.

Yeah. Yeah. I started with, for family and that was going pretty good. Right. And then I ended up getting another one. Which I, I know I went crazy, so. Okay. Tell me about the fourplex though. Cause that's, that's a big leap, right? As a start. So where, where did you find a fourplex? Like did you, you built it, was it already there?

Did you know the people, was it close to you? Like how did you start in. I joined the real estate group. So I was in an apartment association. I joined that and I joined the local real estate clubs. So I would recommend that I'm still in the real estate clubs. So definitely do that first. But of course, through that, I met a realtor, so I bought it off the MLS.

I mean, I just went and went through a realtor, so I didn't do any kind of background anything. I was like, I just want to buy something. So I found something and I bought it and. It went pretty good. I was actually in the beginning, I was doing some of the work myself, you know, I mean, okay. Not really.

I was managing it. Okay. They didn't have a management doctor and I'm like, yeah, but you know what you were talking about having. All right network. So what I did is when I was going to replace like floor tiles, the first time, one of the bathrooms, I went to home Depot and I happened to me, one of the guys, and I was asking him how much it was going to cost, you know, for home Depot to install.And he's like, well, just let me do it. And I was like, oh sure. And so he did it and he became my handyman base. But he was a lifesaver, maybe a couple of years later, or a year later when I got into some other more problematic properties, he was there for me. I mean, one time. Somebody, you know, bus, I think it was like just around new, new year's Eve, somebody, you know, busted up the fire extinguisher.

That was a cool thing to get the fire extinguisher and sprayed everywhere. There was no fire, but just want to see what happens. And then I think they busted out the front door cause like the glass was on the outside of the property. And they had broken into one of the tenants apartments. And so I had to, you know, secure the door and it was, I think the fire department had contacted me about midnight or one o'clock, two o'clock or whatever time it was.

And I called him. I said, you know, his name is Garfield. And I say, Garfield, I need your help. I need to fix your I'll be right over. So you had a lifesaver yet. So that that's important. So that experience didn't deter you from doing. Absolutely. Still your person or your team or who? Yeah. I still work with him for how many years is that now?

Since what? Oh five. Yeah. So long time.My problem is like finding contractors that would stay around. Yeah. I mean, you know, we would have our times, you know, he would kind of do the contractor thing where, you know, another deal comes along. He can never say no, you know, and I kind of get onto him. I mean, I didn't like being mean, but he seemed to respond.

When I raised my voice, but it was so, you know, it's one thing that's interesting is, you know, there was there sexism, obviously medicine, right. But I was surprised to find it in real estate. And so it was interesting because one time we had those mailboxes that are like fit into the drywall or whatever.

It had come out. And so I was calling this guy to like, just put it back or when to do whatever, you know? And he's like something you like, and I wasn't married at the time. He was like, do you have a husband or a boyfriend that I could contact? You know? And I was like, you mean like Garfield, Garfield, Garfield, call me like, Garfield, call me.

So yes. So I had Garfield call. It works. Let me ask you, so you started with a fourplex, which I think is phenomenal that you just jumped into it because what comes up a lot in this group and other professionals I've talked to is the fear. And most people are afraid to fail or afraid to get started. They don't know about risk, but yeah.

It sounds like you just jumped all in. I was fearless. I still do that. You know, and it's, that's why it's funny and conscious to my coaching business, because I think now I am afraid.So it's, you know what, you know, I was, I was thinking about, you always say that, you know, kind of know your numbers, know your ROI kind of exit strategy, your intention. Yeah. And. But the only thing I was going to say is that reserves and having a super reserve. So I did. Plan for made sure that I had money.

Most people go out of business because of a lack of capital. So I did have cash in the bank. So I always knew that I had that available and I had my job now. I did things that I probably shouldn't have. I mean, I know I shouldn't have, you know, It's for all the listeners, so they don't do it well for one thing, I could come and go and I, I really shouldn't have, but I did sometimes like one time the police were at my.

They were looking for one of my tenants when they were going to bust the door in. So I kind of left work to take care of that emergency. By the time I got there, they'd already busted it in. Anyway, I don't know if they found the guy or not. So that's what I was saying. Like, when you were talking about, there were like homeless people and stuff, and I did it too.

I mean, I would go into the basement sometimes. I didn't have a gun, you know, I mean, I talked to some landlords now that like pack heat and I don't do any of that. So I never outsource any of your rentals. So you never use a rental management company. I had about six or seven of them too. Do you prefer to manage them on your own?

Cause I know most people are just like, I don't want to be a landlord or people are just like, oh, rentals are headache and you have to do this, but. I mean, I think it just depends. Yeah. Yeah. And then if you want to deal with, yeah. And if you have a managing company, you gotta manage them too. Like I said, I tore through management companies.

Next thing I know somebody is going three, four grand in rent and I'm like, what's going on? Cause a lot of them, like I had a company, so obviously they were managing other rental properties and then yours got lower priorities. Then you switch and I had a person. And I thought that would be better, but this kind of the same thing.

So I've, I've run the gamut on that too. I mean, I think the last rental company that I had was okay, but they weren't even in Milwaukee, that was something, they were, they were in a different city, you know, just my properties were management intensive, but the, my problem is I bought too many too few.

Looking back. It probably would have been good if I would have taken my father's advice and either just bought the one, even though it wasn't for family, just stuck to that one and really learned it because you're going to make mistakes. There's just a natural part of it. But then on top of that, to just throw on these extra management issues, I was having to go and like meet.

The tenants half the time they wouldn't show up, I was doing the background checks half the time, the information wasn't right. So that was one of the biggest pain in the next was actually, you know, like meeting a tenant, having them do the walkthrough, having them fill out the application, doing the background check and things just weren't.

Right. So I had one company that just did that. They just placed the tenant. And that worked out pretty well. And then they went out of business. So it's yeah, it was just constant flux and not a lot. It was unpredictable. It was just completely unpredictable. And I think I had money, but that gave me like a false sense of security.

Right. And if I would have like, Ted your course, I mean back then, I think your course didn't make sense. I think there's a lot more resources now, so people can avoid a lot of the mistakes I made. Right. But I think the fact that you've gone through that now, now you've transitioned to a different strategy, right?

So I think this opens the door to short term rentals.Like let's compare. So we've, we've said some things that aren't pretty about the rental industry and landlord industry. And I think if I can just compare from our experience, we did a lot of the same things that you talked about. So we got a lot of properties. I remember we did like eight or nine flips, just boom, boom, bang.

And then we kind of, re-evaluated the strategy. I'm always talking about strategy because it's like what you said. I think we could have had a lot of, you know, a lot more wealth faster if we'd started with strategy versus, and then people just teach techniques, you know, like my husband used to have. I don't know if you remember Carlton sheets and there was another guy, he would have all those like VHS and, and my husband really is the only reason I'm involved in real estate, to be honest, because he always wanted to be a real estate investor.

Like every time he talks about it, I've known him since ninth grade. He's like, I want to do real estate. I wanna do real estate. I'm like, well, is that a job? Does it count? And then, you know, he'd study and take all these courses and, but it didn't give you strategy necessarily, you know, it's like, go out, buy a house, get it cheaper, fixed it up.

And you know, it was the how, but I don't think it's. Okay. Like you said, if you get a fourplex, maybe wait until you figure this out, build your team first, look at your savings, your working capital. I don't think that was tall enough to like buy even, even the big horses. Like we did a big course. Yeah. We did one of those like $75,000 bus tours.

Oh wow. We're actually our video. We made them a lot of money because at the time we were too young to realize like, Hey, people are going to make money off of your testimony. And we like so $40,000 tickets to someone else's event, just from us talking as a couple and looking back, I'm just like, we just found our life away.

Like we didn't know any better, you know, pure like ignorance on fire. But yeah, I agree with you. I think like jumping out. You look back and their mistakes, but at the same time, you kind of built that muscle. So nothing's really going to scare you when the right opportunity or a bigger opportunity comes.

And I don't really like those national companies either because they don't know your local market and real estate is, is local. I mean, if you buy local, I guess if you buy out of state, I would still say, know your local market, you know? And now the one of the real estate clubs, I'm part of, they actually have.

Like a coaching program where they're actually like, they do the bus tours in the sin and they'll show you one. That's already completed one that they just bought. One that they're currently working on. And my husband did that course. And then he was very, he had really good success with his flip. And I think that was because he had really that good training.

No, he did that while y'all were married or this was like before, before I met him in actually through the real estate group, a little real estate level story. Yeah, pretty much. How long have you been doing real estate before you, you guys met? He joined our group, I think in 2018. In 2010, he was part of the coaching program, but then they would just have like regular meetings for everybody, you know, to learn about it.

But if, you know, you didn't have to necessarily be in the coaching program. And so they had a special weekend event in Madison that we went to and it was a smaller group. And we could talk about the different issues that we were going through. And that's when I really met him. And I was like talking to him and I had just bought a little house that I was going to flip and I hadn't taken the program.

I was like, I don't need no stinking coats and Kroger. I got to do this on my husband out of this little house. So I said, come and take a look, you know what? Maybe you want to fund it. Maybe you want to get involved. And so he went, seen any. You broke this rule and this rule and this rule, and this really said you bought it on a busy street.

You know, there's no garage, you know, going through all the things I had done wrong. And he's like, there's no way I would. And then we went to look at one of his houses that he got her a really good price and he was going to get it under cost. So my, my flip, I held it for about five years, but I didn't eventually sell it.

Right, right, right. And, but you have the marriage now and he's, he's helped you sound like you're making decisions together. That's an awesome story. Right. So, all right. So let's transition into short term rentals. So could you tell me a little bit about how you got into short term rentals and what you think the benefits are?

Yeah. Watching to learn about that. Yeah. I didn't think that any of my other properties would really work as short-term rentals because they weren't in the best neighborhoods. So what happened was, so I, I lost the job I had at the hospital. I really good job. Right. And so then I transitioned for forensics and mainly just because I didn't want.

So then I ended up having to move to Waukesha, which was still in the vicinity. It was like a half hour outside of Milwaukee or 45 minutes. And it was a lot more labor intensive that job, like, I definitely could not just leave and run down to my property of the job of a hat. I really had to be there.

Like my other properties were probably, you know, Three four miles from where I lived and not too far from where I worked, but I was like at least 45 minutes away, you know, so I had to really rely on the management company. I couldn't go by there. And so what happened was after awhile, I started thinking, well, I was going to let them go.

And I was thinking about what else do I want to do, or do I want to get into another investment? So we had bought a house in Waukesha, which was a nice house. It was nice neighborhood, but my husband developed some sort of reaction. I don't know if it was just from going into the moldy houses. Maybe he developed a mold sensitivity and I mean, we had the house tested and we did the strips and there was like maybe elevated levels, but then.

We took out the drywall in the basement and we took out the carpeting. We never fell mold anywhere. Right. But we know we tried to move back in and he just couldn't tolerate it. So we ended up having to move out. We got a condo and he didn't want a basement. So. I ended up, I was debating, was I going to sell the house or were we going to keep it?

And so for the longest time, I just kind of sat on it like for a year as I just, cause I was like, I had all my stuff. I didn't want to put it in storage. Right. So in the end, um, we got rid of some things and cleared the, the upper level and just have stuff in the base. You know, now with that, we've cleared everything out.

You know, I could try the Airbnb, so that's what we did. So, so they have access to the entire house, which I think is a. And I just have a lock box on the basement, so they don't access the basement. So all of my stuff is still down in the basement and put a lock, one of those smart locks on the door. Right.

And everything is just done through the app, a holiday app on the Airbnb platform, but Airbnb flat for apps. So I don't have to meet the people and they come, they can act. As soon as they get there, you know, it just had to furnish it. And I just bought like white sheets, you know, we bought beds for all the different, the bedrooms.

And how many, what's the, I'm sorry, what is it? Is it a three, two or what's the latest, it's a three, it's a three bedroom. There's some space in the basement that could be bedroom space. It's not really designed as a bedroom. So I don't really like the idea of people sleeping down in the basement. Right. Um, cause there's not another E egress or whatever, but, but it's a three bedroom and two bath.

So I think it's a really nice layout. It's a open concept. So you come in, you're in the living room, dining room, kitchen, everything is just open concept. There's a nice patio in the back and it's a really nice neighborhood. So apparently I made super host. So people, so the Superhost is that after you've had how many.

Is it based on your reviews or from what I can see? Um, I wrote down, what did I write? I wrote something down. Oh yeah, it says, so it says I have 147 nights over five days, no cancellations, a five star overall rating, a hundred percent response rates. Oh, no, I'm not doing anything really. Out of the ordinary, you hire a T a cleaning team.

No, our next door neighbor, he actually like that's his yard. He was always kind of doing, he's always out in his yard. And then he would be like, maybe, you know, putting the fertilizer down or something. So he cuts the grass and then he didn't mind. Going over there. So he, you know, re you know, washes the bedding after the guests leave, you know, I asked them to put their dishes in the dishwasher, and so he turns on the dishwasher and then just the, the cleaning, he just does it all himself.

And it says he I'm getting from you is you're really good at finding good. These good people that you just want to keep and like nurture and like send cookie baskets to cause you, yeah, I mean, that's helped a lot. I have to say that has definitely helped. And that's one thing I would say, I guess is if, you know, if we do get another one, there's another gal I met through the real estate group and she's interested.

And doing that sort of work she's, she's a realtor. So I said, you know, whenever we get another one, cause we asked him, it's like, would you be willing to do it? If it's like, um, you know, in a different city or something, he's like, he's, wasn't really interested. So I guess that would be. The thing is, yeah. If we get another one, we get another one, um, how we're gonna manage that.

But I think, yeah, developing relationships with the neighbors. Um, so they can, cause I did talk to one of the gals who has rentals and she lives out of the country even, but she has like two, two rentals here in the states and she's, she does it all remotely, but she does have local people that will come in and they will, you know, change the bedding and clean up before the next.

And she does have the ring light and I got a ring light from Amazon. So you can, on the outside of the property, you can have a camera. So she can see that they actually did come in, do the work and then, and then when they left. So, and then the neighbors, obviously, so you're saying a ring light. You mean like the security, the.

Yeah, it's a little camera. You can put it, attach it as your doorbell or it'll just be on the door. So then it's a camera, but it's like a ring and it's a camera. So then you get, it gives you an overview of the door. So it'll tell you, you get an alarm on your phone. If there's motion at the door. And then she can tell, like the cleaning people they'd come in and they did what they were supposed to.

And then when they left. Yeah, I like that. I feel like that's been popular over the last couple of years. I've seen some people like look on the app to see if a package is delivered, that type of thing. So you're using that and then you're using a key, like a key pad. Do you change, like, is it a code that changes automatically?

Like how does that work? It's a smart lock. You're supposed to be able to do it remotely, but for some reason, I have to actually do it when I'm there. So I don't know why it's not working, but, but you just basically code it and then every time they leave, then you just change the code. And I have the same thing on my garage too.

There's a key pad on, on the garage so they can open and close it. So I don't, I'm not giving them any remote garage remotes. They're just gonna walk off. So yeah. Yeah. Now let me ask, do you provide like cable, wifi, internet? And that's the other pain in the neck. That's really the only pain in the neck, really, because I don't know if it's because I got dish.

So dishes are satellite. I wanted to try satellite. So that's for the cable, but then the internet, I went with our cable company. So periodically, I don't know if it's because of storms or they just automatically do it. The signals get crossed and then they don't talk to each other anymore. So I had some people that stayed for about four months, almost their house had burned down, actually.

And so the insurance company contacted. Oh, and yeah, so it was actually kind of nice because to have somebody in there longer term, but they left the place, spotless insurance company, referral and spotless. I think that's a win. I know, I know what I'm saying. It's honey and day. Right. And I could've moved.

So I have like the router down in the. And I could have, you know, relocated it upstairs. Cause basically what you do, you just gotta like unplug it and then plug it back in again to reset it. Right. But I figured all this that gives me an incentive to actually go to the property, income producing property.

Right. Yeah, yeah. And make sure that it's still there and nothing. But the neighbor, actually, the last time I asked him if he would just go down and do it and he did, so am I having him do it from now? Okay. So you're providing that. And then have you done any like experiences or anything? Is that an option?

When you're doing short-term rentals. Yeah. They're asking me about that. I'm not really sure what that is. It's that like where you take them somewhere or are you like, I've seen, I've looked up in other cities if there's a restaurant or like you meet them somewhere for an activity. Yeah.

I mean, I've heard of coaches that are doing like retreats. So I know another coach who's doing that. So I may touch base with her and kind of see how that's working out. I mean, she, her property is kind of like an Oasis, but who knows? I mean maybe if, if I have enough people that are interested, I could do something like that, but that's definitely down the road.

So, what do they say? You need to have a customer Ascension plan. So it would be another source of income from this one income stream. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, maybe you could charge more. So I really think it's just having access to the whole. Because I really don't do anything out of the ordinary. I mean, everybody's just like the pictures I have in there are pretty much what they get.

You know, it's just simple white sheets. I don't provide toys for kids. I have plates and their pots and I have, you know, like eating utensils. I mean, I have the basics in a coffee pot, and I don't even, I don't provide any food in the refrigerator because you don't know what people, you know, some people could have allergies or whatever.

Cause at first I thought, well, should I put something in there? Like cake or candy, but you know now with people and allergies, right? Well, let me ask you this. So you've had great success with this since October, right? When are you doing your next. My next Airbnb. Well, right now the market is crazy as I'm sure, you know, So, like, we haven't really done anything actively looking like I would probably have to start marketing for another property and we haven't done that yet.

So yeah, this one's working, right? Yeah. That's why we, we we'd like to get another one, but it's just. Crazy prices right now. So see, yeah, but we have an airport here and then we have the stadium. Cause I know like whenever the brewers and the Cubs play, we get people coming up from Illinois and I didn't even realize they would come all the way out to walk a shop, but apparently they do.

And then we have some of the golf courses around here and then the DNC, I mean, it was canceled, but DNC was coming and people are really going crazy with those Airbnb. Right. Right event. So I'm going to need to get a map after talking to you because I'm a bigger in Virginia and I haven't traveled ever, but I think like one time my husband, he got to, I just remember being cold.

He sold a FedEx truck box truck. We bought to someone and he flew out there and then drove it back home. I think that was in 10,000, that school at the time, but I just remember him WWI. It's freezing. Okay. Yeah. I just think his breath. That's all I remember him talking about. So we talked a lot about kind of your pitfalls and horror stories.

What do you enjoy the most about your real estate investing? So you've done different types. You're in short term rental. Now, what is it that you enjoy the most? We'll wrap up with that. Oh, well I think, and also I became a coach. You know, I say I transitioned from death in the life. Tell me about your coaching.

You haven't mentioned anything about your coaching business. Are you talking about short terminal? What are you coaching and what does the death into life? Yeah, let's talk about that. Yeah. So I do life and weight loss coaching. And basically when I was working as a forensic pathologist, it was during the height of the opioid epidemic.

I even wrote, wrote a book zombie effect. Yeah. It was a lot of young people. And I actually walked shows like the wealthiest county in Wisconsin. And so to see all these young people who basically had everything, just offering themselves to this drug that was basically taking their life. And it still is, you know, to shame that made me start to think about, you know, what kind of changes can I make.

And also like I wanted to. See how I could really make a difference and an impact. And obviously when they came to my SOC table, it was too late. So I found coaching. Um, I went to the life coach school, so she started off as a weight loss coach. So I lost weight just listening to her podcast. Brooke Castillo she's um, she started the life coach school, which is where I trained, but listen to your podcast too.

It made me think, wow, I lost 30 pounds in four months. And so it was like, what else can I do? I really enjoyed the life coaching because of the sense of possibility and just, you know, you can, you can reach the results. You know, we talk about the model and the result is the result that you create in your life.

And so I was working with people who the end result was they lived a shortened life. They didn't have a fulfilling life. They were unhappy or for whatever reason that they got hooked on drugs. For instance, now there was a little suicides and homicides, but, you know, it's like, wow, you know, how can your life can just be so unfulfilling?

You know? And so I, that made me start to think, well, how, how fulfilled am I in my life? You know, And so I think that also kind of pushed me to want to do something new, do something different. And so I went from death in the life. That's awesome. And you know, you take it to a different level because I often joke with people, someone said they were going to get me a shirt that said not my specialty, but as they come in with other things, I'm like, unless it's a psychology, I'm not really going to help you with it.

And you know, usually people get sad about oncology, but you took it to the next level. You're like forensic pathology. When you're seeing them, like, literally, I didn't even think about that. So that's awesome. So how long have you been coaching and do you take that money for your real estate investment?

Or who do you want to work with you? What type of, who do you help professionals or who. Yeah. So it's mostly, it's busy professionals and it's a lot of people like me. So, you know, I've, I don't necessarily advertise for physicians or for black women, but I've had physicians and I actually had men, I've had some men that want to lose weight.

So. Do weight loss. A lot of people come to me for weight loss, but I said, weight loss is just the beginning. You know, it's like, that's just the beginning of your journey because that's what happened for me. The weight loss was just like, she called it strategic byproduct. You know, it was like, I went to a whole nother.

But I'm learning so much about myself. And so it hasn't been as successful as the Airbnb. And I think some of that is my own. Obviously I create my results. So I'm doing something or there's something that some resistance, so I'm, I'm learning. So when I talk about having a reserve and a super reserved.

It's allowing yourself space to grow and to learn and to learn about yourself. Because I didn't know. I think I always knew that I had, I was shy, you know, and not very aggressive, not jumping. I mean, I did jump in and do some things, but in other areas where it probably would be more crucial for me to be more aggressive.

I tend to pull back. And so with entrepreneurship, I think it's calling forth for your all, you know, you have to really give it your all. And so there's still parts of myself. I think that I'm holding back or I hold on to, and so I'm just working on releasing. And then I think once I release it, then financial abundance will come in my life.

So you make a very great point. I just kind of just want to talk on it for a second. If I get a chance. Cause I was thinking about this other day is so I've talked and I agree with you on the working capital and reserve and you have to have that there. And I think you can make bolder decisions. You can have greater impact.

You can do more things entrepreneurial when you know you have that. I think it's a completely different type of push. Like when you talk about your coaching business for me, I kind of went through that same thing and you know, like you were like, my course wasn't out. I didn't always put out courses originally because of.

It wasn't as clear cut for me. Like you said, as what I could do, some other streams, like for example, I had a six figure income with chart reviews that I actually just gave up. And I'm going to talk about that on a show, but that was a nice cushion, you know, that was like a solid cushion. There was no, it was no risk, you know, it was caplet, it was there.

So I could then take that into something else, you know, to help with a seven figure net worth. But I think when you don't have that, it's, it's the. And I think as physicians, especially I've seen what we've done is we don't always have that instant success in business. And I'll see people who have had half the training as us and they go out and they like do something online.

They have a coaching business, and next thing you know, they have an eight figure empire and you're just like, what's the difference? And I think, I think that has a lot to do with it. If that, if that makes sense, it's the. You don't have that cushion. You don't have that reserve. It's a lot of unknown that uncertainty that comes versus, okay.

I spent this much invested in my career and this is like a sure thing as opposed to, if I go over here and, you know, if I get one client and if I have 10 clients, what is it going to look like? And I think that stops a lot of. It definitely does the fear. And like you said, you have more to lose. I'm older, you know?

And so I have these habits and these patterns and it's like, entrepreneurship is calling me to do the opposite. Like you said, the uncertainty, you know, with medicine, we like to be certain, you know, we got to do it. Right. You know, probably the entrepreneurship it's like, you think you're doing it right.

And. No it's way, like raising kids, you're like, well, I raised them this way, but they're like, no, I gotta go this way. Right. It's unpredictable, but life is unpredictable. So I mean, that's the part that I like about it. Cause that's how you grow. That's how you learn. And so I am exploring my own curiosity and allowing myself space.

That's why I've really enjoyed it. This time that I've created for myself and I've given myself, you know, and hopefully I can, you know, I, maybe I have to go back. We'll see. No, it's like, you're doing great. I mean, I love. Flourish and you don't, you don't look older, so we won't look older, you know, it doesn't crack.

So I think, I think it's fabulous. And you know, sometimes I wonder since we're kind of in that same, you know, your background's pathology, I'm an oncology. I just wonder how much that like subconsciously affects our decisions. You know, how you kind of described that. You've just jumped in almost. That's how you described with getting the first property that was affordable.

I think I take a lot more risks and really live life because I see what it's like, not to be able to live life. And, and I look, and, and people are like, well, you're really, you know, you did that. Like, how can you just do that? I would never do that. And I'm just. 'cause I get one chance. I feel like I get one chance before either end up on your table or, you know, on my radiation table.

And I think that that kind of drive a lot of people don't have, and until something happens and like last week we were talking with Dr. Q about that breaking point. And for her, she shared that it was the loss of her parents at a very young age where she started to redefine, you know, her life and the purpose and what she wants to do.

And I think. I think for some people that breaking point doesn't happen until you just feel like you don't have anything left to give, to grow something. Right. Right, right. And that's why I said, I'm glad that I did this now. I've still got my faculties, you know, I can still walk and I'm still have energy.

So I'm glad that I did it now. Instead of waiting, maybe I could have waited another 10, 10 years and who knows what that'll look like. So, well, I am so happy for you. So for everyone to reach you, if someone wants to work with you, if they're in the. WUI area. They're the Wisconsin area. Maybe they have a property that you may want to purchase or investment, or they know someone in short-term rentals.

How can they reach you? And, yeah, I'm on Facebook. I don't know the exact links. Um, I know there's like probably a way to write the link and I didn't quite get that in there, but if you go on Facebook, you just probably search my name, Zelda. Okay. Okay, LinkedIn, I'm on Instagram. So Zelda, Akia, and then my website is www dot, sell the Oak kia.com.

Just my name. They can book with you. Do you have like a console? Do you, is your book information on there that that's the best way to reach you? Yeah. Yup. Yup. I've got a calendar link work work with Zelda and my book is there. It says I have. Button for book. And that's my book, zombie effects. That's the book that I wrote about my experiences with the opioid overdose deaths I was seeing.

And then it says book with Zelda. Awesome. Awesome. Well, it has been a pleasure to have you on the 1% studio. I've enjoyed our conversation. I love your nature. Like calm, cool, and collected. Yeah. Remember, you're making a million bucks on this short-term rental that we just decided we didn't need. And I wrote a book and I'm coaching and I'm a forensic pathologist.

Like I love it. I love your mix. I love your energy. And it's always good when I can find someone that has that nice calming energy. Cause you know, here I am like, Hey, I love it. Like so much wisdom you brought to the table. Are there any final words or advice that you want to give to those who are watching the show?

Maybe? You know, maybe they're at the point where they need life coaching, maybe there, and they thought it was short-term rentals. Maybe they want to do a short-term rental. They want to get started. Any, any final words of advice before we wrap. Yeah, I think for me, I always say, take your time and enjoy the ride.

You know, like I said, I rushed in, I think I was like, I want to be a mogul, you know, and maybe I rushed with leaving my job. I don't know. I guess the jury is still out. You have time. And I remember even during medical school, I was looking out the window. I'm like, oh, my life is over. And then now I'm like, I was so young back then, you know?

So I think take your time. And like I said, you know, start with one and just really get to know it and then maybe add another one. Give yourself some space in between. And I like the idea of the super reserved. So if you need 25,000 in reserves, why not 50 or go to a hundred? We have a nice cushion. Well, that is, that is absolutely awesome advice.

Thank you so much, Dr. Z. All right. Bye-bye okay. Bye-bye. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the 1% to a podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Melva until next time. Thanks for listening. And for any of my fellow physicians listening today, I have a free gift for you. Nine business ideas for busy physicians to get your hands on it.

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