Season 2 Episode 3: The Impact of Trust
Jul 28, 2022
You have to go back to the drawing table and ask yourself and be authentic with yourself. Do you not trust yourself? Are you not trusting the business relationships you were engaged in? Are you not trusting the team that you’re hiring? And, and honestly, it’s, that is trust. The reason that you’re not having the success that you want is to trust the reason that you are not at the level that you know, that you’re capable of.

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Hello. Hello. Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the 1% code podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Melva board certified radiation oncologist, serial entrepreneur investor, franchise owner, and I help physician entrepreneurs that are struggling to create additional income streams navigate. Entrepreneurship to scale their incomes.

Today, we are talking about trust in the entrepreneurship journey. The reason I wanted to talk about trust is that it is one of those founding principles. Anytime that you have a relationship, whether that's business, patient relationships. Children parenting. I can't actually think of a situation where trust is not some type of foundational, um, or elephant in the room, or what are those things that comes up, whether you talk about it or not.

And it's, it's one of those things. You know about, you've learned about you've been slapped in the face with right. You've you've developed rules around. You've been hurt by and you've recovered from, right. Like, I feel like it's, it is something that. You know, it's like one of those, what T R U S T. I really had to do that on my fingers, counting five litter words that will come up over and over again in your life.

And the reason I wanted to talk about that this week is that it, it, it resurfaces over and over again. So let's think about trust and how will your relationship with trust and. What you do now, what you've done in the past and how you approach trust in your business, help you to scale your income, help you to get from where you are, to where you want to go.

And what can you learn from other entrepreneurs, other people in your industry, people that have done what you hope to do. And then what, what examples are there that you don't want? To emulate or model. So let me kinda give you a story. So I have often, you know, wore my heart on my sleep before, and I think many physicians have the difficulty with, and I've talked about this in previous episodes, podcast episodes, the physician identity that in business, when we lead with the physician identity and a lot of that has been.

As, as physicians specifically, I'm speaking to physicians in this episode specifically, we tend to lead with our heart in great bedside manner and compassion. And we don't always wear that CEO role of strategist and not, you know, for example, when we're hiring or we have a team, we tend to attract people on our team that work for us and are not independent.

Think. Versus when you're putting a team together, especially in the business, you want people that are experts in their line of work that will scale your business, or take your projects to an exponential level past your level of expertise because that's their lane and that's their zone of genius. Right.

And as physicians, oftentimes we are the experts. And we tend to work with a team where people are answering to us and they're coming back to us for our expertise and our, you know, we're checking it off to saying, okay, it's okay. Or you've checked all the boxes. And we're the only, not the only, but generally we're the last stop for the strategic thinking when you're creating.

A business or a great workflow. You want everyone to be at a really high level of strategic thinking in what they're contributing to the team, not to say that in medicine, you don't have everyone contributing to the, the team, but when you're building a business in the entrepreneurial world, you want everyone contributing and elevating your level of leadership and thought leadership in very unique ways.

And with that, it takes trust and trust will come up. And I think a lot of the difficulties that I see physician entrepreneurs having are in, in a couple ways, one trusting ourselves, two trusting others. And those, those are the biggest ones. And the reason I brought up this physician identity, holding us back specifically, physicians.

In physician entrepreneurship situations, when we're looking to scale our incomes, particularly when we're looking to make this transition from I'm working in the clinic to, okay. Do I want to add to my income? Am I ready to exit the clinic? Am I burnt out or do I want to still serve in the clinic as I expand my income so that I can serve for greater purposes and not have to worry about the.

Right. Which is really where I've been for a very long time. Those of you who have listened to my podcasts or been part of my community, I show up to serve for a greater purpose. It's not about the money for me, because if you followed me and you listen to the 1% code podcast, I talk about high income earners, creating multiple streams of income.

So you can turn your job into a hobby so you can work because you want to not because you have to. Right. So I know I'm skipping around. If you listen to me, I do this all the time, but that's why it's a podcast. You can listen to it again, and hopefully you get a nugget somewhere in here. Um, so, so back to this trust and this identity, so trusting yourself and trusting others.

When we don't trust ourselves. And sometimes this is intuition. Sometimes this is being stuck on past hurts. Past insults, past mistakes. Trust takes time. Trust is something that is hard to give, and it's hard to give again. And it's hard to get back, right? These are all things. And when you think about relationships and again, I am a radiation oncologist, I'm a physician, I'm a medical doctor.

I'm not a trained psychiatrist. I'm not a trained social worker. I'm not a trained psychologist. So please take this as my personal opinion, but I, you know, I'm a mother, I'm a wife, I'm a sister, I'm a daughter. I've been in a lot of relationships and I've trusted. I've had my trust broken and where I'm going with this is that it it's hard right.

In, in business when you've gotten into business relationships and that trust has been broken, it's hard to extend trust. And it's one of those things that you have to ask yourself, honestly, when you are in your business and when things are. Going the way that you want to, when you're stalled, you've started projects, you haven't reached your goals.

You have to go back to the drawing table and ask yourself and be authentic with yourself. Do you not trust yourself? Are you not trusting the business relationships you were engaged in? Are you not trusting the team that you're hiring? And, and honestly, it's, that is, is trust. The reason that you're not having the success that you want is trust the reason that you are not at the level that you know, that you're capable of.

And have you just looked at every other factor, you know, if, if you listen to this podcast, have you listened to a lot of the other, you know, podcasts that we've referenced or your, your list of podcasts or your, you know, you've done your reading, your books. And you looked at every other thing, you've set your goals.

You have smart, measurable goals. You've, you've knocked out everything else. You've fixed these other things, but you hadn't looked at the trust factor. And I think that's what a lot of us do. We just kind of ignore that elephant in the room that we, we still haven't overcome these past hurts. And a lot of it is around trust.

So, so recently, and this, this sounds very. It may sound very small, but there was a situation where, and the reason I bring this up is that it's just been busy, right? When is it not busy? And I used to talk about being unbusy , you know, my ideal when I was in residency. I was around some other stay-at-home moms at the time of my oldest.

Who's now she'll be 14. She's an oh 8 0 8 0 8 baby. And she just actually went to a basketball overnight camp. My husband dropped her off this morning and sent a picture of her and her, you know, like her dorm room at almost 14 for an overnight camp. It's kind of cute. And, you know, I was thinking. Wow. Like, it takes a lot of trust because we hadn't done overnight camps and we were against sleepovers.

And you know, so we're extending a little bit of trust here. So it's a little nervous. Maybe that's why I'm recording to sleep on trust. But as, as we were doing that experience, it is it's been busy and, oh, I know what I was saying. When, when I was, when she was a baby, this was almost 14 years ago. I was staying around these, stay at home moms.

And the dream for me was to be UN busy because all I wanted to do was be able to. Pancakes from scratch because I didn't have any time. So unfortunately recently I've been busy. So if you listen to the podcast the last couple weeks, it's, it's been like, I don't know, hectic and chaotic. And I've had birds in the background today.

I'm actually at home, even though it's still chaotic. This is probably like the 10th time I've started over, which is crazy. I apologize to my podcast editor this week. Just because of the phone calls and I'm finally like going, I'm like, okay, this is it. I'm going to record this because I will not be, you know, with the birds this week again.

And I haven't batched record it, but whatever done is better than perfect. Right. Trust the process. That's another one. Trust yourself, trust other people and trust the process. There's that five letter word again, coming up in part of entrepreneurship. But anyway, going back to. I hated the busyness. I wanted to be.

Unbusy the goal. When I was around these stay at home moms and my oldest was young, was to be able to have the time to take from scratch and make these pancakes. Like I don't cook. If you ever heard me talk, I don't cook. It's not my thing, but I wanted that. I wanted to be able to get some flour on whatever else you put to make pancakes.

Right. At one point I knew like those simple ingredient pancakes. I wanted to have the time to not be busy on a Saturday morning to make pancake. Right. So anyway, that's not where I've been. I was busy. And so when we're busy and it's chaotic and you can't think you make mistakes. So during this period of making mistakes, my brain was clouded and a trust issue came up.

And what I realized in this last couple weeks is that. The decision making on something happened. And it's almost like the what's that expression. The wool was over my eyes and I missed something. And as a result of that, I felt as though someone that I loved very close to me may have gotten hurt. Now they weren't hurt because luckily.

They weren't busy and they saw in front of them what was happening. And I'm very grateful for that. And sometimes those of us who are younger than us, or if it's your children, you do a good job. So mom's out there. I want you to give yourself some grace. Um, because in this situation it was, it was affecting one of my children and I'm, I'm really proud of, of this child of mine.

And, you know, to, to respect that child's identity. I won't, I won't give the gender or say the age, but. This child is quite bright. So I, I'm gonna give myself a little bit of grace and say somewhere along the line, we did. Okay. in, in, in raising this child. Um, and a lot of times the, the children's innocence you'll find is, is, is golden.

And they see through things that as adults, we often don't. So I'll give a moment there for you to think about that, but when we're busy and our minds are in a state of chaos, we don't get that time. To think and see what's happening. And we give out trust when trust is not deserved and we don't have time to really reflect on the processes.

So I brought that up because a situation that we may have been locked in for a longer time than necessary, we were able to avoid. And. With that another issue that we talk about a lot and is very important on this multiple streams of income, the 1% code is gratitude. So with trust there's gratitude reflection, these are all one and the same.

And if. You are building a business. If you're looking at multiple streams of income, if you're looking at simplifying your life, if you're not thinking abundantly, if you find that you are still in the scarcity mindset. And, and that's another topic that I, I want to touch on these things come around and they're all connected.

And when I find people that. Are just in this state of anger or scarcity and they, they don't want to share opportunity. That's, that's one of those things that I feel people say to me all the time and I'm, and I'm always just shocked every time they say it, they're like, well, you know, you're the most positive person I've ever heard, or we were so down and out at this.

Game and, and you just kept saying these positive things and you turned everything around and, and I'm, I'm sitting there and I'll be like, oh really? I didn't even notice it. you know, and then sometimes I'm like, oh yeah, I was just acting crazy. I was trying to make the best of it. Cause I mean, we're sitting out here.

It was no other choice, but to just have a couple laughs and make the best of it. And you know, so sometimes I do know when I'm being positive, but other times it doesn't phase me because what is the other choice? And, and what I notice is that the people who are. Closed and not sharing. They continue to suffer.

There's enough for everybody to go around and I've never, ever, ever, I promised you I've never lost anything by sharing the same opportunities with other people. I haven't. And E even if in the moment, it seems as though I'm sharing something, that's only meant for one person there's only one spot. It always comes back always.

And, and believe me, I'm not 20 anymore. And, and you may not believe this. If you've never met me, you never talked to me in person. Maybe you're a younger person listening, and you're not in the 1% right now. You, you don't have the, the money. You don't have the accolades. You haven't, you know, maybe you're not a physician.

Maybe you're not a high income earner. And you just found this podcast. It may sound crazy that I'm saying this, but there is enough abundance. There are enough opportunities, there's enough for everyone. And when you believe that when you trust that you will have that. So I, I really don't know because they've had so many interruptions and in the thought process of thinking this out, but I hope that the message that you get is if you're stuck.

If you're struggling and you haven't reached your goals and you've looked at every other, you know, goal setting guideline you have for yourself, timeline, you've reassessed your, your, you know, your goals, your progress, and, and you can listen to the other episodes I have here and some of the other podcast and, you know, books that you read and you haven't thought about trust.

I want you to go back to that. Another, another reason that I thought about this is that I just finished up with one of my, um, students in my V I P one on one coaching for physician entrepreneurs that are looking to scale their income. And that's the 1% accelerator program for more information about that.

You can. Email me, it's That's spelled out D O C T O R M E L V And we can set up a, a consult call just to chat with you on strategy to see if you're a good fit. And that's for physicians looking to get strategy on their business. And one of my clients, I, you know, I always ask for a feedback so I can grow.

And, and one of the things he said, the feedback is that he kind of wishes that I didn't wait till maybe the second. Time that we had together in the coaching call to, to really give my honest opinion on the feedback. And not that it wasn't honest, the first one, but he said, you know, he felt like I was kind of nice and held back a little bit.

And he said, he, he really appreciated my feedback. And, and that could have been a little more, you know, a little bit more brutal. Like, Hey, if you think this idea, is it really that great? Just tell me, you know, cuz. You know, and really what he was saying is, you know, trust yourself. Cause you gave great feedback and Hey, if you think this isn't the best idea, like tell me, and I respect that a lot.

And I think that goes back to trust. I think that goes back to me, trusting myself because I can be pretty brutally honest, but at the end of the day, it's helpful. And you meet people that are honest with you. And as physicians, I find that. Working with other coaches. That was part of the reason that I came up with this whole 1% code and working with physicians specifically, because in the beginning, I didn't wanna work with physicians because I know how tough we can be.

I know the blocks that physicians put up and when I work with other coaches, It was almost like physicians were intimidating to other coaches and they couldn't really understand what it was that we wanted to do. And I was going from coach to coach, to coach to try to explain, no, no, no, because as a physician, we do this and this and this.And they were like, well, no, no, no, you're no different than anyone else. I'm like, yes, but we are, you know, and then it was a question like, okay, am I my mindset? You know, I blocked. And then sometimes it was, yes. Yes I am. Other times it was no, we have. Issues as physicians that only physicians can understand.

So that was an example of me personally, not trusting myself, not trusting that, me telling another physician that I well respect that you're on the wrong path that you're missing. What's right in front of you. You have exactly what you're looking for right in front of you, you need to take this next step.

And so, yes, I paused because I didn't wanna come off sounding as aggressive as what I was saying sounded, and I felt like I need to warm up a little bit. And the feedback I got from my client is, Hey, I was ready for you. Like day one, you know, you were being a little nice. I didn't need that. And it was great feedback.

And in the end got great results, great results. And it was exactly what he needed. So that was really good feedback for me. So. I'm really glad that I got the stone and we're able to get this podcast out. I hope that you get value from this. So think about trust. It is one of those things that's going to come up again and again, I appreciate you listening to this podcast.

I would love to hear your feedback. If I can help you. You think that you're a fit for the 1% accelerator, your physician looking to scale your income, your. Stuck. You're struggling with what you've done. Maybe you've done other group programs. You need that one-on-one time. Reach out to me. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast.

This episode of the 1% code podcast. We'll see you on the next episode. I'm Dr. Melba until next time. Thanks for listening.
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