Episode 42: Hire And Outsource Better
Mar 31, 2022

“The more information that you have when you are outsourcing or hiring in the beginning, it will be better for long-term success.”

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Hi, I'm Dr. Melva you're board certified radiation oncologist, and serial entrepreneur and investor. Welcome to the 1% code podcast. I help top income earners create multiple strings of income to support the career they love or the one they want to love. Learn more on the 1% code podcast. Hello? Hello.

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of the 1% code podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Melva Pinn-Bingham board certified radiation oncologist, serial entrepreneur, franchise, owner, mother, and wife to three children. And I help physician entrepreneurs scale their income. Through navigating entrepreneurship and help them if they're struggling to grow additional income streams.

So today I want to continue the conversation. If you were able to listen to episode 41, where we talked about letting go and growing and today's episode is all about. How do you hire and outsource better? So I want you to be able to hire and outsource better. After listening to this episode, I hope that this is helpful for you.

If you are in your entrepreneurial journey as a top income earner, either if you're seasoned as an entrepreneur, if you're just starting out. Or even if you're in your career, you know, learning how to work with others and hire and communicate is something that is going to take you to the next level. It will help you to leverage your time and ultimately it will help you with your income.

Okay. So I knew from the very beginning, when I stepped out, as you know, it was almost like this mission for me, that. I want a great quality of life. I want to deliver and serve the, in this place of gratitude. And I want to have time with my family. Like I want to see my kids grow up, but I also, you know, I want to be a great physician and for that to happen.

I had to have a team. Okay. I had to be in the place that I was going to work with other people. And I will tell you if you've, if you've ever heard me talk at all or talk about this concept, this was hard for me. Like the first couple of people that I hired. It was just like this disaster. And I don't really know why.

And actually I know why I know why. So I'll tell you why. So as a physician, you know, this is what one of my coaches told me early on. She said, well, physicians and high income earning professionals tend to hire people that are dependent on their expertise are. Dependent on them, just like in the clinic, typically.

So as the physician in the clinic, we have other people who are typically reporting to us or we're signing off or we're signing the prescriptions and you know, much before they were mid-levels or extended providers and in clinic, You know, it was the physician, right. Position RN and the secretary, right?

Like, you know, before there were different systems, our healthcare systems. So this is kind of what a lot of physicians as entrepreneurs we're naturally doing. And it just occurred to me that, okay, I don't need anyone who has to be dependent on me. I'm looking for someone who is an expert at the tasks that I need them to do.

Right. And then I'm communicating with them. What results I'm looking for specifically. Okay. So when you think about it, that way, there are a couple of things that, you know, tips that have really allowed me to, if you were listening to the other episodes to let go and grow. So let me share those with you today.

Like three main areas. So I want to talk to you about briefing training and then better questions to ask and then, okay. Maybe the fourth is feedback and how we provide that feedback when we're hiring and outsourcing. Okay. So briefing. All right. This is something that I probably really early on did a really bad job, and I'm working continuously doing this.

These are not specific to my thoughts. They come from training and mentors that I've had and things that I'm learning. So I won't take credit for these, so they help you. That's really. Okay, so briefing. So there are different ways to do this. People have different philosophies, but what I've found that's helpful is when you're briefing, you want

The what? The, when. Okay. And usually a written brief is the most helpful. It doesn't have to be long, no paragraphs, just something that's written with whoever you're working or hiring has in writing. People put briefs in different ways. Some people email, you can use project boards, you know, tasks to do lists.

However you are communicating with who you're you're working with. And there are different methods for this, obviously, but the "why" that helps whoever you're working with. Get behind your vision, your mission. You know why it's important to you, what the meaning behind it is. So they understand. And when they're working, they're on the same page with you.

Okay, so how are we talking about being in alignment with that vision and then the "who", if it's required. So who are they doing this for? You know, who is the target audience? You know, who is this involving. You know, who are they working with? Like, for example, if we're doing something for marketing, is this for the customer?

Is this for when your high ticket clients is this for, you know, a new prospect who knows nothing about your business? Is this for someone who's worked with you for a long time, they need to know who it's for. And then the, "what", what exactly are they doing? Are they creating a landing page for an opt-in that, that you have?

Are they writing an email for you? Is this work copywriter on your team? You know, are they finding three articles that you want to be able to read and put together for your content, for your blog posts that you're writing? What exactly are they doing? You're just going to spell it out. And then the wind, I think a lot of us leave this out.

We just expect people to magically know when we want this done. You have to be very clear by providing a day and a time, a lot of people and a lot of entrepreneurs don't give a time. You need a day at a time. Do you need it, you know, in, in a week at noon? Or do you need it today by 5:00 PM Eastern standard time?

Give it a day at a time. Okay. And so that that's a simple brief, and sometimes briefs can be more detailed where you're going to give an example of. The graphics that you want. And that can be as simple as if you've seen, let's say a website or a social media post that you really like, you just screenshot or send a picture or an image of that and say, I love these colors.

I love the layout. I love the font. I want it to look like this. And then on the other extreme of that, if you've seen something that you really don't like, you can take a picture and say, I don't like this at all. And the reason I don't like it is that, you know, the letters here too bold, or I don't like, you know how this picture is vintage looking, or I don't like how this is this color, or this person looks older than the person I want to attract.

You know, I want a mother that has two kids and not three kids in the picture. So you want to provide as much information for them to be successful as possible. And that can be included in the brief. So if you have specific examples or if you don't, you can easily find them and include that. Okay. So that's a brief and having that is a game changer, because the more information that you have when you're outsourcing or you're hiring in the beginning, It will be better for long-term success because once you're working with someone in there, they're used to what you've asked for the less information that you have to give them over time because they learned what it is that you want and you have a system.Okay. So then training. All right. So that's briefing training. The whole concept of See one, Do one, Teach one? Right. So when you're going through your entrepreneurial journey, it's very helpful to write down what it is that you're doing. As, the CEO in your business as the entrepreneur. And it's a lot easier to do that when you're first kind of figuring it out, like, okay, I figured out that I can help this person with this process because I had to figure it out on my own and I'm taking notes during it.And this is where I was stuck. I couldn't figure it out. You know, for example, which project management, I want to use a sauna, Trello, notion, you know, you know, which one did I want to use, click up and why did I decide that I want to use this one over this one? Was it the, you know, the integrations with the other software?Or did I go to this website and read this article? I'm writing it down. The processes that I did, you know, what did I do first? What questions did I ask? And then, you know, you're writing that down. So you're creating an SOP. You're having a standard operating procedure with step-by-step you take a picture of what it is that you're doing.So when you're doing that, you see one, you go through it, then when you're training your staff, you have them go through the same process. So, so they go through this and they do this, right. And then when you're working with them, you have them, the new person you're working with, you have them teach someone else.Okay. And when you see your staff teach someone else that shows mastery. Okay. And that is really the beauty of has someone. Really gained competence and expertise in what you've asked them to do. And that sounds really simple, you know, see one, do one, teach one. And I, I know as physicians that this is really what we do in the clinic, you know, and learning in medical school, in our training.But as far as having team members work with you, it's a lot better to have them do a quick presentation. And it sounds complicated, but it's really not. You know, if I need someone to even make a graphic, let's say, I just want them to make a graphic. That's a welcome post in my Facebook group that welcomes members when they joined that says a quick, hello, it tags members when they join and they do it every Monday.

And I see that they show me a screen video with, you know, a free software, like loom or dub. I used up because I got it when it was like free for all. I don't know the cost of it now. And then they create a standard operating procedure for that. It takes five to 10 minutes and it will show you, okay, can they do the task?

Have they figured it out? And it's just, that's straight forward. Right? So those are important ways for you to. See if the person that you're hiring and you're outsourcing. If they're being trained and if they're competent and if they can do the task, because that's very different than asking them, or just seeing the results because you're showing them right.

And that's really the best way. And seeing that and putting that together, that's taken a long time to figure it out. So give it a try because it will help you really get to the next one are questions to ask and better questions to ask. Okay. So these couple of questions. I'm telling you are game changers.

And I know it sounds really simple, but asking in a non-judgemental way, what else? Okay, so you're going to give them the brief, right? So we talked about why, who, what, when and then just asking, what else do you need from me to be successful? And then you just kind of breathe and you just listen. That just opens it up because then they're able to think and say, okay, she's told me this, or he's told me this, and then I need this.

What about this? And then you see their level of understanding if they're confused about anything and then based on what they ask or what they need, or if they say they don't need anything, if you know, you've left something out and they haven't asked for it, then you can see how much they understand.

And then if you know, you've left nothing out or you think you've left nothing out and I ask you something. And it's something very important. It really helps you to know about one, you know, it's humbling because it's like, oh, okay. That's a really good question. You're a very sharp and you're right. I do need to give you that.

Or you do need that. I think it's helpful because there've been times when I thought it was them and it was really me. Right. Can anybody else relate to that? And you know, you don't get a good result and you've wasted time and money working with someone or outsourcing. Maybe you could have communicated better.

Maybe you could have had a more specific brief, and instead of giving up on working with that person or getting frustrated or thinking that you just have to do it yourself. And I know a lot of entrepreneurs get there because I used to get there thinking, gosh, it would be so much easier if I just did it myself.

That's a control of it. When you're in that space, you can't let go and grow. You're not growing. You're not leveraging, you're not scaling because you're still doing it by yourself. But when you have that patience and you start to realize that maybe your instructions need to be more specific. Maybe there's some information that you're, you just know, and you have a blinder on, you know, there's a blind spot for you and you don't realize that you're not giving that information to people to be able to be successful.

Now asking this question, what else do you need for me to be successful? You're opening up in the beginning in a nonjudgmental way, and they have a chance to get what they need to do the job for you. Okay. The next question, like let's say, well, this is a series of questions. Let's break this up a little bit.

I have my notes here, so, all right, let's break this one up. Okay. So let's kind of think about, you know, with the, the question let's kind of think of this one as feedback. Okay. Well, we'll kind of think about. And when I think about feedback, I think, okay. They did a really great job on whatever the task was.

Like, you just absolutely love it. And then the second category is kind of like, okay, maybe they could just make a few small, like tweaks. They just changed it up a little bit. Right. And then maybe the last one is just like, it is just so far away from what you had hoped that they gave back to you, that you just like, you just want to cry.

That's the third one. The biggest suggestion here, especially for me. And maybe some of you listening, if you're a fast talker or you have like, you know, an accent or something like I have like that Southern Twain, and I'm a fast talker. You may want to record this on a quick, like screenshare or loom video.

So if whoever you're working with, they can go back and like read, listen, or see and hear you. So they don't miss it because doing it live could be one intimidating. Scared them off and they may miss what you're saying. And then you may have to repeat it. It can be frustrating. You can have emotion and like not a good outcome.

Right. We want to have good outcomes. We want to have better outcomes so we can hire and outsource better, like the title of this podcast episode. So, okay. All right. So let's talk about job well done. Right? So what you would want to say is, you know, like, thank you, this is exactly what I was thinking about or what I hope for.

And then you want to be specific so that they can repeat this for you the next time. And then you want to say, and I like how you did X, Y, Z. Right? So. Two to three things that you really like instead of just saying like, that's great, thanks so much. You want to take this opportunity to praise them, but be specific on the exact things that you liked.

Okay. And then the second category is where you just need a couple, you know, a couple of changes. So again, it's like, thank you, just a few changes, you know, and here they are below. And then, you know, just insert what you would like changed, like your change requests and then. You open it up for questions again, does this make sense?

Question mark. You know, and then we have to do, this is kind of like you're putting the brief in there again. Would it be possible to make these changes by put the time five o'clock today? Right. Would it be possible to have these changes by tomorrow morning? Eight o'clock. Thank you. So you're asking for a couple changes.

So you're giving them the praise. You're telling them exactly what the changes are. Then you're asking them if they understand that, then you're asking for the day time. So it's not just throwing it out there. It's very specific. So it's feedback with a brief. Okay. This is how you hire it out better. It's better communication.

It's specifically. And it's, you know, like this is just, I get excited about this because I didn't do this when I first started. So it costs me time, money, and it added a lot of frustration. I would love to hear your feedback on this episode, if this is helping you, or if these things, these are just things that you naturally are already doing in your entrepreneurial journey.

Because for me, it wasn't, and this actually has come much later for me in my entrepreneurial journey, to be honest, because hiring outsourcing, firing, expanding teams, this is really where we are in the. You know, real estate investing, coaching franchising, just the more you do this is like that level of where you are.

You know, it just, it's more of this and getting better. This is where scaling is. This is what it's about having teams and working with teams. So the next category is like, you just want to cry. They just completely screwed up and you're just ready to like move on to the next person. Don't do that, working with them, giving them this chance.

And this feedback is what I want you to do. So, this is kind of how this conversation should go. Like, you know, Hey, unfortunately, this isn't what I wanted. You know, you're going to tell them like, Hey look, this isn't it. And then insert the things like tell them what you didn't like. You know, for example, I didn't like the heading the format, the layout here.

Wasn't good. We were supposed to have five lines here and y'all have one. And then, you know, here are the things I want and you want to give examples, right? So give two to three exams. And, you know, write it out, provide the pictures. If you have websites that are showing what you want, if there's some work that you've done before, if you have a link to your audio that you talk about, whatever it is, whatever the material is, give solid examples.

So they know that they have clear. Examples of what it is that you want. And then again, you're going to say, does this make sense? And then it's the same time. So think about this as the brief, would it be possible to have these changes by six o'clock today? Would it be possible? Have these changes by eight o'clock in the morning today?

Thank you. So I hope that's helpful, right? And the other question that you can just ask other questions. I was going to have to ask again, outside of feedback. You know, do you need anything more for next time? So the questions that you ask, the training that you provide with a, see one, do one, teach one briefing and learning and practicing and making these changes and adjustments and hiring and outsourcing better.

These are the differences between. Really those big jumps in your income and that level. And that freedom that I, that I talked about at the beginning of this episode is being able to let go and grow that I talked about in the last podcast episode, episode 41, because this is like that tough part. Some people are just really, really good at this.

And I did an episode back in January where I had Dr. Sabrina Starling on and she talked about hiring and she's an expert with that and human resources. And if you didn't listen to. Definitely listened to that about hiring a team member and finding a players for your team. And then this is really once you start working with them and outsourcing better and how to work, how to.

Really adjust if you haven't had success. And I'll tell you, I was, I was working, I've talked about it before. I've had up to four to six, maybe virtual assistants at once and in making a lot of these shifts and changes and communication and doing better, briefing more examples, the different layers of feedback that I'm sharing with you now.

There are times that I've had better outcomes with one assistant at the same level as the four I had before. Because of these changes and it's, it's not easy. It takes work, it takes patience, but I will tell you the assistance and the teams that I'm working with are feeling more fulfilled. They're more productive.

And I can't even keep up. I'm just like, oh my gosh, I don't even know that I can get the next brief together because you have knocked out so much. It's a really, really good place to be in. And I wish that for everyone that's listening here at the 1% Code Podcast. That you get better with hiring and outsourcing and that you're able to, you know, move away from your business, put it on autopilot and have team and, you know, growth and people you work with that you trust and that you can set it up.

It's bumpy in the beginning, but once you've gotten those job well done and some tweaks and you don't have as many of those. Mr Marx, you want to cry? It gets better. Now, if you've done these things, you've done your briefs and everyone is I want to cry and you've given the feedback. That's that? Let it go.

You know, let the team member go. Those rules still apply. If you've given and you've done and you trained and it doesn't work, there's still that separation that needs to happen. But I guarantee you most of the time. People just need a chance and we're not communicating, we're not asking the right questions.

And a lot of us I'll tell you my expectations are high. I have high expectations and I've learned that it's okay to have high expectations, but it's managing those expectations, parenting your thoughts, and then communicating briefing training, asking the right question. And then giving specific feedback.

So I hope this was a helpful episode. It may be one that you need to listen to when you can take some notes down and put these into action so that you can hire an outsource better. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the 1% for a podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Melva until next time. Thanks for listening.
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